Choosing your subjects Secondary School pupils

Choosing your subjects

Good news! The aerospace and space industries offer careers that are fluid and adaptable. So don’t think you’ll have to do just one job for the rest of your life. By picking a few key subjects at school, you can unlock a whole world of career opportunities.

Choosing your subjects

Good news! The aerospace and space industries offer careers that are fluid and adaptable. So don’t think you’ll have to do just one job for the rest of your life. By picking a few key subjects at school, you can unlock a whole world of career opportunities.

Many aerospace and space careers are underpinned by two subjects…you guessed it! Maths and physics. Maths is an amazing universal language and physics literally explains the universe…who could EVER say they were boring subjects?

Many aerospace and space careers are underpinned by two subjects…you guessed it! Maths and physics. Maths is an amazing universal language and physics literally explains the universe…who could EVER say they were boring subjects?

Math Icon


The best thing about maths is not actually to do with numbers, but that you’re learning a universal language. If you follow a career in aerospace, one day you could be solving aerodynamic equations with colleagues in countries all over the world – and you’ll communicate through maths. So studying maths now at school could lead to you developing amazing new hypersonic aircraft in the future. Bet you didn’t think that when you were trying to work out the value of X.

Physics Icon


Physics organises the universe and explains everything, so that’s impressive for starters. It’s also completely weird. Quantum physics was literally referred to as “spooky action at a distance”. So not only does physics explain everything around us, it keeps posing new questions too. (Also Marvel loves physics – remember when Ant-Man got stuck in the quantum realm?)

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